I think it was transparent honesty that I saw through the T.V. whenever Lyn appeared during the 80's and 90's. I was always curious what he thought about current political issues, so I would read his "musings" on his personal website. In one item several years ago he noted that he was having some sort of problem receiving email at the address he had posted. So, being a computer guy, I figured out what was wrong with his website and emailed him the fix. A couple days later he had fixed his website and he posted a note acknowledging the help that I sent. It was kind of funny when he referred to me as a Reagan fan from a left-wing west-coast university who must remain unidentified for my own good. Funny because I was never shy about defending Reagan, the fight against the Soviets, the entire 1980's for that matter, nor the big poster of Reagan on my office wall.
It hurt this evening to hear that Lyn had died. But I have to believe that whatever they're serving in heaven, Lyn and Ronnie are drinking together tonight.
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